I need help with lowering my auto insurance in Philadelphia. If I had a dollar for every time I heard this question, I would be retired and sitting on a beach in the islands right now.
This is a common question, and you are in luck, we have answers.
Our first piece of advice, is to contact a Local, Independent Agency.
What is an Independent Insurance Agent?
When you decide to buy a car, you wouldn’t purchase the first one you see. The same situation holds true for insurance. You need insurance to drive a car, to purchase a house, to protect your family’s financial future and to run a small business. With an independent insurance agent, you have choices. Independent agents are not tied to any one insurance company. One of the advantages of using an independent agent is that he or she works to satisfy your needs.
Independent Agents are free to choose the best carrier for your insurance needs. Independent Agents do not work for an insurance company; they work for you. Independent Agents work on your side when you have a loss and follow through to see that you get fair, prompt payment and service. The best Independent Agents, represents a carefully selected group of financially strong, reputable insurance companies, and are able to offer you the best coverage at the most competitive price.
Our second piece of advice is to review your insurance, as your life changes.
Have you reviewed your insurance after getting married, or after moving in with your significant other?
You will be eligible for huge discounts when you have more than one automobile on your auto insurance?
Are you now working from home?
If you are no longer driving to work, have you discussed with your insurance company. Insurance rates will change based on the number of miles you drive to work. Your rates will also change, based on the number of miles per year.
Has your driving history recently change?
If your driving history has recently improved, then it is time you review your policy. Maybe you were charged a higher premium, or offered a policy for high risk drivers, because of accidents or violations in the past? If your driving history has since improved, you should now see improved pricing.
As your life changes, make sure you are in contact with your insurance company.
The following factors will play a role in the pricing of your auto insurance policy:
Miles driven per day
How your vehicle is used (driving to work, driving for business, driven for pleasure only)
Has your marital status changed?
Do you have new drivers in your home?
Has your occupation changed?
Are you now retired?
Our third piece of advice, have you considered bundling all of your insurance with one company?
You hear about bundling your insurance on every TV and radio commercial. Did you know that you can expect significant savings, when you bundle your auto, home, life, and business insurance with the same company? This is not always the best option for every individual. As mentioned earlier, it is always recommended to review your insurance with an independent agent. An independent agent can review all of your options, with multiple insurance companies, to see what is the best option for your individual needs.
Our fourth piece of advice is to work with a local Agent.
Do you have a relationship with your current insurance company or Agent? Is your current insurance company familiar with your local needs? Are your working with the best insurance company or Agency in your local neighborhood?
If you are not, consider reaching out to a local Agency. A local Agency will recommend the best insurance company for your specific needs, and will recommend the best insurance company in your specific neighborhood.
Insurance rates can vary by many factors, including zip code, vehicle use, age of drivers, age of home, style of home. Don’t expect that every insurance company will be aware of your needs. Contact a local Agency, who knows and understands the needs of the people in your community.
If you are looking for more information on common auto insurance terms, click here.
Do you need help with your auto, home, or business insurance in Philadelphia?
If yes, we are your local Agency. We have been servicing clients in Philadelphia since 2002. Our office is located on Main Street in Manayunk.
Do you need help with your auto, home, or business insurance in a surrounding suburb of Philadelphia?
If yes, we also have an office in Newtown Square, Pa. We opened our 2nd office in 2016, to service our growing client base in the suburbs of Philadelphia.
If you would like to learn more about the staff at McCollum Insurance, click here.
If you would like to hear what our clients have to say about their experience with us, click here.
If you would like to learn more about the insurance companies that we are partnered with, click here.