You may have noticed that the money you’ve set aside isn’t growing very quickly. That’s no surprise, considering that interest rates are currently less than two percent on many accounts. If you live in Pennsylvania, and hope to someday leave some your money to heirs, we have a program you’ll want to know about.
If you are in good health, you can secure the legacy you leave to your heirs by purchasing a single premium Erieflex4 universal life insurance policy from McCollum Insurance and Erie Family Life. Using a single premium brings peace of mind knowing that your life insurance policy is paid in full, the death benefit is guaranteed and will never decrease.
Many people see their savings diminish over time. Don’t let it happen to you.
Below is a chart showing coverage at $100,000, $250,000, and $500,000
For Example- Male at age 50, pays a single premium of $23,399 for $100,000 in guaranteed life insurance coverage
Contact McCollum Insurance at 215.508.9000 today to see if the new Erieflex4 universal life insurance policy is right for you.